Goldieslie Club Sutton Coldfield
Crown Green Bowling


Mixed casual, Friendly, competitive and League bowling for all ages and abilities

Hard Court Tennis


A mixture of friendly and competitive tennis across a wide range of ages and abilities

Winter Programme


Rich and varied entertainment including supper throughout the closed season

Welcome to Goldieslie Sport & Social Club

Hidden away down a leafy driveway close to the heart of the Royal Town of Sutton Coldfield and founded in 1906, we are a sports & social club with a unique range of facilities to offer.

Our tennis courts and bowling green are surrounded by a well maintained garden and hedges. Our large 85 seater clubhouse hosts thriving keep fit, Whist, book clubs, table tennis sections with a snooker table on the first floor.

Goldieslie Club run a full autumn and winter programme of social events providing a rich variety of entertainment including supper. We welcome new members in all sections and look forward to a visit or enquiry via the contact numbers on this site. Complete an enquiry form on any subsequent page and we will respond.

Derek Haywood



05 February 2025

Latest News and Winter Programme


AGM has been postponed until after the work to the Club House is completed. Date to be advised.

Work on the Club House Improvements is expected to start on 17th February 2025. No activities can take place in the main room from that date.

Floodlight installation has commenced and donations to help support the project have been received. Many thanks. The Club is still short of its target and continued support will be appreciated.



The winter programme has been revised.

  • Table Tennis from 2.00pm on Wednesdays
  • Whist is held on Thursday afternoons from 1:15 pm
  • The Book Club is held on the 1st Monday of the month. 10.15am tea/coffee for 10.30am start.
  • Snooker takes place throughout the year and does not impact on other clubhouse activities as the table is on the 1st floor.
  • Coffee mornings commence on Tuesday 14th January 2025. 10:00 am start. Contact Andrew Scrivens at "" or on 0121 681 5841.
  • Short mat bowls commence on Tuesday 14th January 2025. 2:00 pm start. Cost £2. Contact Andrew Scrivens at "" or on 0121 681 5841.

Members frequently bring friends to these activities who can then see what is on offer for our £55.00 social membership.

Members wanting to book the Function Room, please contact Margaret Drummond on 0742 868 2666.

Sunday Brunch - 16th February 2025 -10:00 to 11:00am - £10.00 - Full English or Vegetarian. Contact Jeanette Bellis on 07958 509  114 or

Racing Night - 15th February 2025 - 6:30 for 7:00 pm start - £10.00 - Includes fish/sausage and chips. Contact Derek Wigley on or Andrew Scrivens on stating the number of people attending together with your food preference, orput these details on the notice board in the foyer of the clubhouse There will be access to the foyer Monday (10th) and Thursday (6 and 13th) from 2.00 to 4.00pm. Tuesday(11th) and Wednesday (5 and 12th) from 10.00am to 3.00pm.

You are welcome to invite friends and family to this event. 

Our history

The club was founded in 1906 by J E Moorhouse, a local builder who lived in Goldieslie House on Birmingham Road. Originally a mixed tennis and men’s bowling club ladies gained bowling membership in 1947.

In 1950 the club became a Company Limited by Guarantee. A Board of Directors was appointed led by a Chairman and the role of President became non-executive.

Goldieslie Club Opening Day 6th May 1928

The Goldieslie Club Opening Day 6th May 1928

The Goldieslie Club 2006 Centenary

The Goldieslie Club 2006 Centenary